Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 2 Results (revised)

EDIT: Apparently my lack of being a morning person made me add 0.4 lbs to my weight loss. I actually lost 1.4 lbs, NOT 1.8 lbs. I don't know what I was thinking.

First off, for those of you who have not been to my parents' house, these are the aforementioned stairs:

You climb those to get to the basement of the house, then you must climb a floor of stairs to get to the main floor. If you're staying in an upstairs bedroom and want to get there, you must climb yet another set of stairs. To get to the main floor from the lake, it is probably around 3.5 flights of stairs. Not fun when you are carrying so much extra weight!!

Now onto the results!

We have been doing this for 13 days now, and so far, so good! Aside from our weekend in South Haven, we have been pretty good with staying under or around our daily calorie goal. To avoid having to deal with Tony getting a second helping of dinner, he has been eating more throughout the day and I eat less. That way we usually come to dinner with around the same calories left, and can eat the same amount. It makes me happier :)

Here are the results!

Current Weight: -8.2 lbs. (Loss this week: -1.4 lbs.)

Current Weight: -11.6 lbs. (Loss this week: -5.8 lbs.)

This is when the laws of the universe start to work hard to discourage me. I had a much better calorie week last week than I did the first week. I was 435 calories over my weekly goal the first week and 232 calories under my weekly goal last week. Yet I only lost 1.4 lbs, and Tony lost a whopping 4.4 lbs more than me, and has already surpassed the 10 lb lost mark. This is incredibly discouraging for me. I am trying to get past it and realize that this is just how things work. But it is very hard to see, knowing that I am the one who has more to lose, yet I am losing at a much slower pace. It makes me want to either 1.) give up, or 2.) reduce my caloric intake further to the point where I am always hungry. I am definitely not going to give up, nor will I reduce my calories like that (that's just a recipe for disaster!). I will just have to push through these feelings of discouragement, remind myself that I LOST 1.4 LBS!!!, and stay on the weight loss train. This is very hard for someone like myself to do; I have never been an optimistic, upbeat, or overly positive person so focusing on the negative (I only lost 1.4 lbs.) is more natural to me than focusing on the positive - I lost a whole 1.4 lbs of this!:

I will try very hard to get past it, keep moving along this weight loss journey of ours, and hope that next Monday's results are more encouraging!

Katie's Food and Exercise Diary can be found here.
Tony's Food and Exercise Diary can be found here.
Our weight loss tickers can be found at the bottom of every page of our blog.


  1. Keep up the great work!! I think 1.8 pounds is still very good, Katie! Its 1.8 pounds closer to your goal - don't give up!! I know it is so frustrating to compare our own weight loss to a man's and seems totally unfair... trust me, I've felt that way many times over. But you are doing great so far!!

    I just did a quick browse through your food log. Are you primarily just focusing on the calories right now and then will focus on getting the proper servings of carbs/fats/proteins once you get used to the calories? I just noticed that it seems like you are generally over on your carbs and under on your protein. Depending on what type of metabolism you have, this may hinder your loss, as well. For me, I have a mixed metabolic type, but tend to need more protein than carbs to avoid feeling hungry and stay energized. I also try to get most of my carbs from veggies, fruits, yogurt, and milk, rather than grains. But that is just me.

    Anyway, just wanted to put it out there as something to consider, at least. Not trying to be critical or anything. :) Figuring out the needs of our bodies is just so tricky. I have lost weight again with this pregnancy - even at 37 weeks, I'm still 8 pounds under my weight before I got pregnant. I'm really hoping I can keep this up after I birth this little lady and finally get myself back into shape!! We can be each other's cheer leaders! ;)

    1. It was actually 1.4 lbs. I initially wrote 1.8; I don't know why. Anyway, right now I am focusing primarily on calories. It took a lot of calories to maintain my starting weight, so cutting those while still being able to enjoy foods I love (in moderation) is my first big step. At some point I will focus more on sodium cholesterol, etc. I love carbs, especially grains like pasta and bread, so I don't think that's something I could ever give up. Reducing them is tough enough! :)

      I hope you are able to keep the weight off once the baby shows up :) I've heard nursing helps with that a lot. Good luck!!

    2. I got totally confused with the disclaimer/correction at the top and read it backwards or something... I blame preggo brain. ;) 1.4 pounds is still awesome, though!!!

      Focusing on one piece of the puzzle is smart, in my opinion. That's what I have to do, too... else I get too overwhelmed and give up.

      I'm a HUGE bread lover, too! I never thought I'd be able to reduce it, let alone severely limit it. But once I started to and saw the pounds drop like crazy (this was before I got pregnant)... and realized how much better I felt overall (my joints felt amazingly better... grains can be very inflammatory if overdone and they were definitely contributing to my inflammation even though I had no idea they were)... it made it much easier to limit them. I'll still eat breads here and there (especially at a restaurant w/ awesome bread!), but its not a regular thing in my diet anymore. I never thought I'd say this, but I honestly don't even miss it anymore. :)

      Anyway, you are doing great!! Keep up the dedication and hard work!!

  2. Meant to also say... All those stairs are pretty crazy! But just think, by keeping up the diet and exercise, you'll be jogging up those stairs before you know it!! ;-P


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